February 21, 2025

Energy Storage


Today’s technologies provide a sufficient level of generation, however, they lack cost-effective energy storage solutions. Energy storage enables stable pricing by proactively managing demand from consumers. By having the opportunity to purchase energy for future use, consumers potentially stock it up during ideal conditions. This accumulated energy later helps in reducing the grid loads during peak times, while prosumers earn more as buying energy becomes expensive.

Swiss startup Energy Vault develops energy storage technology that delivers around-the-clock baseload power from intermittent renewable energy sources, like solar and wind. Energy Vault’s ready-to-deploy solution is inspired by pumped-storage plants that rely on gravity and the movement of water to enerate power. The elevation storage system is ideally suited for long-duration storage, and also provides faster response times.

Italian startup STOREH Energy Storage Technologies builds energy storage devices to solve the challenges arising from intermittent production and constant consumption of power. Their hydrogen on-demand (HOD) system produces hydrogen without requiring compressors and tanks. Moreover, the company’s storage solution uses natural non-polluting materials such as zinc and water.