February 21, 2025

Distributed Energy Storage Systems


DESS localizes renewable energy generation and storage,overcoming irregularity in production. Based on economic and other requirements, startups offer a range of battery and batteryless solutions. For instance, flow batteries leverage low and consistent energy, whereas solid-state batteries are lightweight and provide high energy density. For applications that require large amounts of energy, in a short period of time, capacitors and supercapacitors are also used. Due to concerns regarding discharging, safety, and environmental pollution,startups are devising batteryless storage alternatives such as pumped hydro and compressed air technologies. On the other hand, surplus energy is converted to other forms of energy such as heat or methane for storage and reconversion through Power-to-X (P2X) technology.

Swiss startup Green-Y Energy develops compressed air energy storage technology. By increasing energy density while doubling the heat and cold extraction, the startup reduces the required storage volume as well as provides heat energy and cooling for domestic use. The process is also sustainable since water and air are the only working fluids. In addition, this compressed air is stored in durable and inexpensive commercial pressure tanks. This, hence, allows building managers and homeowners to integrate renewable energy systems.

MGA Thermal is an Australian startup that enables thermal energy storage. Miscibility Gap Alloys, the startup’s product,has a melting phase and a solid phase contact. On heat application, the melting phase component stores energy while the solid phase component rapidly distributes the heat. The resulting modular block structure exhibits high energy storage capacity at a constant temperature. Moreover, the materials and containment units used are recyclable, safe, affordable,and easy to use. The large-scale storage potential of this solution enables renewable energy utility companies to provide continuous electricity even during peak hours.