March 6, 2025

3D Construction Printing


3D printing in construction, also known as additive construction, is a sustainable and efficient method of construction. Construction printers either print entire buildings or only prefabricated building components. 3D printing is a robotic approach that prints the design layer by layer with advanced
construction materials in collaboration with BIM. It has high design flexibility without the need for formwork. The various methods used for printing are extrusion, power bonding, and additive welding. Comparatively, 3D construction printing produces less waste and requires fewer labor resources than
traditional brick construction methods. It is a fully automated and programmed process that also eliminates human error and improves productivity. Many startups manufacture 3D printers or offer printing services for small-scale and largescale projects.

Dutch startup Twente Additive Manufacturing designs and manages 3D printing projects for residential and architectural projects. TAM provides architectural structures and evaluates the designs in-house using finite element analysis.
The startup uses several 3D printing technologies including gantry, delta, swing-arm, and boom. They provide 3D printers with different axes and configurations based on the project requirements. The startup provides laboratory and entry-level printers for small-scale printing for indoor operations.Further, it offers mid-size and mobile printers suitable for the production of small and medium parts. The startup also offers large-scale 3D printers that facilitate 24×7 production for large single element creations.

US-based startup 3D Build Systems builds concrete printing robots that create durable, scalable, and customizable structures using a concrete mixture. It targets workforce,skilled, veteran, and retirement markets to provide them with economical and cost-effective solutions. In addition, the technology can also be used for large-scale construction, immediate housing, and business needs. The startup’s robotic solution significantly reduces construction time by printing walls in 12-24 hours. Moreover, the robots are compatible with any 3D modeling software and also print up to a height of 7 meters. The startup provides economical and well-constructed housing using robotics and 3D printing technology.